Sunday, October 31, 2010

Prom ..

Sorry for the extremely short notice.Please make your payment tmr onwards. We'll go class to class to collect your money tmr. Those who would like to pay on Tuesday onwards can make a payment of RM150 to Kimberly Liew at 5Ixora.

A prom happens only a few times in your life ,High school and College and the people whose around you change constantly . To those who think RM150 is expensive for a ticket , This prom isn't just about going to a hotel and eating a very expensive dinner . It's a chance to create even more memories . Think about it , a few years later look back and you tell people you didn't go for a school prom . If you're hesitating because your friend isn't going , try convincing her to go . There is nothing to loose in going for Prom . Some of us even dreamt of going to prom since we started seeing Disney movies . It's a once in a lifetime opportunity , Seeing someone whose never worn a dress or a skirt before wear a dress at prom . Snapping endless pictures and laughing together . Its definitely gonna be a memorable night . There are 7 more days before the really nice tickets come in . So take some time and think ..Do I really want to miss prom ?

Do remember ...High School prom is never the same as others , and it is gonna be fun .
If you're hesitating still ...Take a piece of paper and list down the pro's and con's .
I do hope I'll see majority of the Form 5's there .
Owh ..just a note , its not compulsory to HAVE a date .. =)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A lil Update !

Just a heads up to you all ! We'll be going around class to class to promote our school's prom . So , if you haven't purchased your tickets yet . Now is the perfect time to do so ! You can purchase your ticket from us when we head to your class or come look for us anytime . Please do purchase ur tickets before November 7th so you won't get disappointed ! Remember ..PROM is a once in a lifetime thing , there won't be any regrets if you go ! See you soon . Take Care .

For any enquiries ..feel free to ask any of the committee members . Thanks !
For frequent updates , do follow this blog or our Facebook Group :!/group.php?gid=112875595430025&v=info

Have a great day ! =)